IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network

Category Name



  • Globally promote the spread of environmentally friendly product and service development and Green Purchasing activities
  • Internationally share information and know-how on Green Purchasing and environmentally friendly products and services
  • Harmonise the efforts of Green Purchasing and the development of environmentally friendly products and services from a global viewpoint

Outline of Activities

1. Collect and deliver information on global Green Purchasing activities, the best examples and recent trends
Collect information on activities related to Green Purchasing, including best-practices, know-how, purchasing guidelines, products information, research outcomes and the latest trends from around the world. Arrange it in an at-a-glance format and deliver globally via internet web pages or other media.
2. Hold workshops in each region
Hold workshops and seminars targeting the stakeholders in regions where it is essential to endorse Green Purchasing, and aim to be the driving force in the dissemination of Green Purchasing.
3. Hold regular international conferences on a global scale
Hold regular international conferences for IGPN members and stakeholders to share and discuss issues and practices of Green Purchasing.
4. Cooperate to develop tools that can be utlised internationally
(mid- to long-term activity objective)
Develop internationally harmonised Green Purchasing guidelines and tools for product evaluation, construct a product database, and develop effectiveness measurement methods and training materials to be internationally utilised.
5. Other activities
Conduct market research and other necessary activities for the dissemination of Green Purchasing around the globe.


Aim to improve and strengthen the IGPN operation, promote international green purchasing development, upon the approval by the Council Member, IGPN By-Laws is available to be in trail practice for one year from July,2020. IGPN By-Laws (trail version) is available at Download file.
IGPN By-laws trail version (PDF)

Organisational Structure


Enact the IGPN Charter, and approve modifications, matters concerning organisation management, project proposals and reports and budget as well as membership admissions.
Council members

Advisory Board

Give necessary technical advice and guidance on IGPN activities based on previous experience, etc, upon request of the Council or Secretariat.
Advisory Board members


Draft project proposals and take responsibility of conducting projects and finance matters.

IGPN Secretariat
No1.Yuhuinanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100029
E-mail :
URL : http://www.igpn.org


Participate in IGPN activities and contribute to the dissemination of Green Purchasing. Membership admissions is subject to the approval of the Council and the Secretariat.

Focus on


IGPN Events