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Access resources for PV procurement in 24 EU languages

February 17, 2025

Access resources for PV procurement in 24 EU languages

The Big Buyers Working Together (BBWT) Community of Practice (CoP) working on sustainable solar panels, coordinated by ICLEI Europe, has made the guide ‘How to Prepare and Start a PV Project’ available in 24 EU languages. In addition it has created a concept template of the Procurement Requirements and Award Criteria for PV projects.

The guide provides public authorities with an overview of all the steps they need to take to realise a PV project. From defining the project size, arranging financing and subsidies, obtaining permissions and insurances, and many more key steps.

The procurement template includes requirements related to quality, safety and sustainability aspects. It covers PV modules, inverters, cabling, mounting constructions and more.

Both the guide and template have been applied in practice in the Netherlands to create PV projects with better financial conditions, a longer working life and better sustainability. Public organisations from all EU countries are invited to download these documents and to propose amendments, reflecting their national context. Although many technical requirements and process steps will be similar, there will also be regulatory and other differences between your country and the Netherlands. Nonetheless, the documents and criteria can already be used for procurement processes, however please be aware that some edits are required for those working in other countries.

Public buyers working on solar PV projects, and other national experts who have experience with these projects, are strongly invited to contribute and join us. Please send any queries to bigbuyers@eurocities.eu.

More details at ICLEI website.

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