IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network



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News Archives

December 25, 2024

Green Purchasing Network Measurement Methodology and Pilot Testing Report Officially Released

December 18, 2024, the International Green Purchasing Network(IGPN) officially released the (hereafter Methodology) and (hereafter Pilot Testing Report), aimed to formulate a measurable, reportable, and replicated IGPN-Green Purchasing Network measurement methodology, through which scientifically monitors and evaluates the impact and potential for each Green Purchasing Network toward achieving Sustainable Development Goal, therefore accelerate the sustainable consumption and production transition by leveraging its characteristic GPN model.

The Methodology provides terms and definition, basic principle, monitoring methodology and technical content of performance evaluation for Green Purchasing Network, of which intend to measure the implement performance level and monitor its sustainable performance in various scale and types. The Pilot Testing Report collects facts of the Methodology applied in Green Purchasing Network Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, verifies the applicability and feasibility of the Methodology, summarizes steps for scale up the Green Purchasing Network model, lays an importance reference for environmentally friendly products and green purchasing to advocate sustainable and consumption transition. Findings of the Pilot Report showed the Green Purchasing Network model can be effectively extended or replicated to new region or area or location to expand its influence, serving to maintain the sustainability, relevance and value of the IGPN with its members and stakeholders, result in positive economic, environmental and social benefits accordingly.

and was drafted and developed by China Environmental United Certification Center (CEC), which hosted International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Secretariat since 2018. The International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) is a global multi-stakeholder partnership, launched by Japan Green Purchasing Network in 2005 with the mission: 1) promote globally the development of environmentally friendly products and services and green purchasing activities; 2) share information and know-how on green purchasing and environmentally friendly products and services internationally; and 3) harmonize the efforts of green purchasing and the development of environmentally friendly products and services from a global viewpoint.

The Methodology and Pilot Testing Report are available now, any further enquiry on this report, please contact with igpn.secretariat@igpn.org.

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December 25, 2024

International Green Purchasing Network 2024 Annual Meeting Held to Strengthen Collaborations

2024 annual meeting of the International Green Purchasing Network-IGPN was held visually on December 18th. Participants from national Green Purchasing Networks (GPN), IGPN Council and IGPN Advisory Board, invited guests from UNEP, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility office attended this meeting. The meeting was hosted by the IGPN Secretariat, China Environmental United Certification Center–CEC.

Mr. Chen Yanping, Chair of IGPN, presented his speech in the opening remarks, “Strengthening public demand for sustainable consumption and production, including circular economy approaches, is crucial, and this can be integrated with national and local procurement networks to increase the scale of green procurement practices. In 2024, the IGPN focused on the pilot testing and finalizing the GPN measurement methodology, activated the cooperation among members,hope that members actively support the methodology application, integrate the IGPN featured green purchasing network model into global sustainable public procurement projects and activities”,Mr. ZHU Shu, regional director of ICLEI East Asia, vice chair of IGPN, pointed out,ICLEL will work closely with IGPN to promote green development and transformation of countries and cities along the Belt and Road through collaborative research and selection of best practice cases。

During the meeting, Measurement methodology for Green Purchasing Networks and Pilot Testing Report was formally released to scale up IGPN featured Green Purchasing Network model by adopting this measurable, reportable and replicated comprehensive monitoring framework.

In the meantime, Ms. Gina Torregroza, Project Coordinator, UNEP One Planet Network Secretariat, presented the Driving SCP through Sustainable Public Procurement; Ms. Laetitia Montero, Programme Management Officer, Consumption and Production Unit Industry and Economy Division from UNEP shared Good Practices in the use of Ecolabelling and Sustainable Public Procurement. Additionally, IGPN secretariat, together with representatives from GPN Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, India, China and China Hong Kong recapped the progress and experiences in 2024 with thinking about the 2025 priorities as well.

Since CEC holds the IGPN Secretariat in 2018, it consistently works on the IGPN operational and members’ collaboration activities. Stated by Mr. LIU Zunwen, CEC general manager, in the summary speech, “Next, IGPN Secretariat will highlight the current theme on "low carbon, waste free and recycling", focus on the “Methodology" implementation through joint projects, expand the application scale of environmentally friendly products/services. On this basis, form into a fixed mechanism of “Green Purchasing Network Monitoring report, to achieve the mission of IGPN which is promoting green purchasing and environmentally friendly products and services".

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December 10, 2024

One Planet Network Forum 2024 G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy Annex 1 Leaders Declaration

The One Planet Network Forum has been highlighted as a key activity of the G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB), a set of agreed High-Level Principles on Bioeconomy, an integral part of the Rio Declaration adopted by G20 leaders at the end of the Brazilian Presidency.

G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB) The Brazilian presidency of the G20 launched the G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB). This Initiative is the first international diplomatic forum dedicated exclusively to the subject. The GIB was structured around three thematic axes, each of which was the main focus of one of the three in-person expert meetings: “Research, development and innovation and traditional knowledge for the bioeconomy” (Brasilia, May 7-9); “Sustainable use of biodiversity for the bioeconomy” (Manaus, June 17-19); and “Bioeconomy as an enabler for Sustainable Development” (Rio de Janeiro, September 9-11). The main outcome of the GIB is a set of agreed High-Level Principles on Bioeconomy, which is an integral part of the Rio Declaration adopted by G20 leaders at the end of the Brazilian Presidency. In addition, the Brazilian G20 Presidency has commissioned a study to examine how G20 countries are advancing on bioeconomy, which was showcased in the side event “A Contribution to the G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB)” on May 6th in Brasília. Another study, which focused on financing bioeconomy, was discussed by the G20 in September. The GIB also held the following side events at the Rio de Janeiro meeting: “Fifth Global Climate and SDG Synergy Conference: Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet” (September 5-6th), “Special Session of the Forum of Ministers of Environment Latin America and the Caribbean” (September 11-12th), “Biofuels in the context of the bioeconomy” (September 12th), “Financing a Positive Bioeconomy for Climate, Nature and People” (September 12th) and “One Planet Network Forum 2024 – Sustainable Consumption and Production (SDG 12)” (September 12-13th). As a result of the discussions during the One Planet Network Forum 2024, the Intergovernmental Board of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns adopted the Outcome Document “Reducing Inequalities and Achieving Just Transitions for All Through Sustainable Consumption and Production, Including Circular Economy”. The document features key messages emerging from the Forum, including the call to use the G20 High-Level Principles on Bioeconomy as a way to advance sustainable consumption and production pattern.

Learn more at One planet network knowledge center.

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December 5, 2024

One Planet Network Forum Calls for Global Action on Sustainable Consumption and Production

Global leaders and ministers convened at the 2024 One Planet Network Forum in Rio de Janeiro, achieving major breakthroughs in sustainable development. With a focus on inequalities, just transitions, and circular economy approaches, the event saw key commitments endorsed by over 500 delegates. Highlights included new milestones in sustainable tourism, advancements in public procurement, and funding for youth-led climate action projects. Dive into the key outcomes and learn more about the future of global sustainability efforts.

Ministers, high-level representatives of Member States and leaders from organizations convened to advance critical action areas to promote global progress on sustainability
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (09/15/2024) - The 2024 One Planet Network Forum, hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has concluded with a series of significant announcements, commitments and an agreed document of ‘Key Action Areas’ outlining action areas for addressing inequalities and achieving just transitions through sustainable consumption and production and circular economy approaches.

After two days of plenary discussions, thematic sessions and a dedicated Ministerial Dialogue, which brought together over 500 in-person delegates from over 40 Member States, UN agencies, as well as leaders from private sector and stakeholder organizations, the 10YFP Board endorsed an outcome document of ‘Key Action Areas’ that will be presented to the G-20 process, the Summit of the Future and the 7th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

In another significant announcement, the Forum celebrated important milestones in the field of sustainable tourism, as four new signatories—Ecoe, Katalisar, Ocean Eyes Production, and Turismo360—joined the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme's Global Tourism Plastics Initiative (GTPI), bringing the total to 236 organizations. The Programme’s Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism also welcomed 7 new signatories, bringing its total to 841, namely Visit Rio Convention Bureau, Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão, Roteiros de Charme Hotel Association, Amazon Ecopark Jungle Lodge, Grupo Cataratas, Turismo360, and Ecoe.

A major step forward in sustainable public procurement was also announced during the The One Planet Network Forum 2024, with UNOPS, a leading UN entity with an annual Information and Communication Technology (ICT) procurement volume of USD 145 million , joining the Circular and Fair ICT Pact as a procuring participant under the One Planet Network Sustainable Public Procurement Programme. This move is expected to drive substantial progress in circularity and fairness in ICT procurement by the United Nations – thus further walking the talk.

And finally, during a dedicated awards ceremony during the Forum, 10 youth-led projects from Youth4Climate, a global initiative co-led by the Government of Italy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), received funding of up to USD 30,000 each. These initiatives aim to advance the shift towards sustainable consumption practices and to support and scale youth-led climate breakthroughs.

Read the outcome document at the OPN Forum 2024.

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