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Public procurement can stimulate demand for NZEB construction skills

August 12, 2024

Public procurement can stimulate demand for NZEB construction skills

The EU-funded nZEB Ready project has produced a step-by-step guide highlighting how public procurement can stimulate demand for nearly zero energy building (nZEB) construction skills. The guide, highlighted in the latest GPP newsletter, shows which requirements can be implemented throughout the procurement process, and provides examples from pilot projects and additional resources. The guide is further complemented by a collection of 15 case studies that illustrate how public authorities from across Europe have procured the renovation and construction of nZEB buildings and the impact these projects had on the uptake of skills and know-how.

A more energy-efficient building stock would help curb GHG emissions and energy consumption and support climate targets. Since 2021, all new buildings in the EU should reach the target nearly-zero energy building (or nZEB) standard, as defined by national governments. To reach these goals construction workforce needs to have the skills and know-how to design, construct, renovate and maintain energy-efficient building.

As owners of large buildings and employers, public authorities can support the upskilling of the construction workforce. By embedding criteria in tenders for nZEB building standards, certifications, qualifications, as well as on-site training clauses public buyers can encourage the market to develop (n)ZEB skills. The guide, developed by ICLEI Europe in the context of the nZEB Ready project, aims to support public buyers in achieving this.

The guide can be downloaded here.

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