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China and ICLEI’s Renewed Leadership for A Strengthened One Planet Sustainable Public Procurement Programme, The Netherlands continues support as a strategic and funding partner

January 2, 2024

China and ICLEI’s Renewed Leadership for A Strengthened One Planet Sustainable Public Procurement Programme, The Netherlands continues support as a strategic and funding partner

Sustainable public procurement continues to gain recognition as a catalyst for driving market transformation and the transition towards a circular economy. The public sector can indeed play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and circularity, lead by example and stimulate market innovation utilizing its purchasing power which, according to the Sustainable Public Procurement 2022 Global Review report, can account for up to 30% of GDP.

The 10YFP Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production (2023-2030) acknowledged by the UN General Assembly (A/RES/77/162) recognizes the importance of sustainable public procurement including its recognition specified in SDG target 12.7. The Global Strategy will help countries to achieve the target through a strengthened Sustainable Public Procurement Programme by helping governments, public authorities and other relevant stakeholders, at all levels, to collaborate and use their planning and purchasing power through strategic, reliable and practical resources to adopt, implement and monitor the impacts of sustainable public procurement in relevant sectors based on national policies and priorities. The inclusion of target 12.7 under SDG 12 highlights the importance of sustainable public procurement in global efforts to achieve sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Acknowledging the transformative power of public procurement, China, represented by the Environmental Development Centre of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) have recently renewed their leadership commitment to the One Planet Sustainable Public Procurement Programme. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands (Rijkswaterstaat) continues to be a crucial strategic and funding partner.

Together, the renewed leadership will continue driving the Programme’s strategy and implementation in close cooperation with its core partners, including Member States, UN agencies, scientific and technical institutions and others, providing the resources needed to mobilize and coordinate key networks and stakeholders as well as to build synergies and cooperation at all levels, further positioning sustainable public procurement as a key enabler to achieve the global sustainable development agenda through advocacy and enhanced visibility.

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