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January 8, 2021

Online workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement in Kazakhstan

On December 9, 2020 the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) within the framework of the UN Development Account project "Enhancing sustainable public procurement for the regional transition to inclusive green economy in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" (UNDA SPP project) and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) held an introductory online workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP). The seminar was held with the organizational and expert support of the Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives "ECOJER".
Within the framework of the seminar the following issues were presented and discussed: UNEP’s approach to SPP; the current state of public procurement in Kazakhstan and the existing framework for the implementation of SPP principles; UNDA SPP project and PAGE SPP-related activities; examples and lessons learned from other UNDA project countries (Kyrgyzstan, Georgia); and the preparation of an assessment of the status of SPP and the legal review in Kazakhstan in the framework of PAGE.
The seminar was opened by the Vice-Minister of Finance and the Vice-Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who expressed their support for the project and readiness for dialogue on the development of sustainability principles in the public procurement system of Kazakhstan. The concept of SPP and its benefits for the economic, social and environmental spheres were explained by UNEP. But this workshop was also the opportunity to discuss the current state of public procurement in Kazakhstan, the existing framework for the implementation of SPP principles and achievements in the development of SPP.

Learn more at UNEP SPP News

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