IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network



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FAO Call for papers for Sustainability Journal

October 5, 2020

FAO Call for papers for Sustainability Journal

FAO now calls for papers of a Special Issue of Sustainability, an international Open Access journal which provides an advanced forum for research findings in areas related to sustainability and sustainable development.

This Special Issue on "Public Food Procurement: A Transformative Instrument for Sustainable Food Systems" will collect articles from academics, researchers, and practitioners exploring innovative approaches and methods in the field of sustainable public food procurement practice and policy, with a particular focus on the use of PFP policies as an instrument to promote environmental sustainability and possible means by which to measure its impacts, areas in which research is currently lacking. The topic of sustainable public food procurement is also one that is particularly relevant to the current COVID-19 pandemic and any post-pandemic recovery. This is one of the key issues which will be addressed in this Special Issue.

We are particularly interested in potential topics including, but not limited to, the following:
* Innovative approaches, methods, and tools that measure the environmental (as well as social and economic) impacts of public sector food procurement.
* Sustainable public food procurement practice and policies (related to schools, universities, healthcare, prisons, and/or public work settings)
* Role of regulatory frameworks and complementary policies in the implementation of sustainable food procurement initiatives (e.g., public procurement legislation, organic policies and legislations, etc.)
* Extent to which sustainable public food procurement practices and policies take into account the SDGs, 2030 Agenda, and bioeconomy- related policy strategies.

Full information on the call can be find in the following link and in the document attached: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/food_procurement
Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com.
Manuscripts can be submitted until the 30/09/2021.

All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on the website.

category : Topics

Focus on


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