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UK urges chemical firms to press on with 2018 registrations

July 13, 2016

UK urges chemical firms to press on with 2018 registrations

Following the UK’s decision on 23 June to leave the EU, the government is seeking to ensure that there will still be a high level of compliance with the 2018 REACH registration deadline, and that potential disruption to supply chains is kept to a minimum.

The environment ministry (Defra) and the Health and Safety Executive, which is the UK REACH competent authority, will carry out a number of projects, focusing on the registration deadline, that are additional to its usual business.

These will include research, analysis and targeting of issues and messages, capacity building, SME tools and communications.

The projects will aim to ensure there is a good level of awareness, among chemical manufacturers and importers, of their registration obligations, and that companies understand the need to act early and to work with others to share data and costs. SMEs, which are expected to account for a high proportion of registrants, will be paid particular attention.

Another goal is to minimise the amount of animal testing that is commissioned and to promote alternative test methods, through building understanding among laboratories and pre-registrants.

In addition, government advisory body the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum has established a REACH 2018 subgroup, which will help to identify substances and sectors where potential concerns may arise.

Read more at Chemical Watch.

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