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Call to Action- Acting Together for Our Future Sustainability: The 12th Asia-Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production Convened in Cambodia

July 13, 2016

Call to Action- Acting Together for Our Future Sustainability: The 12th Asia-Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production Convened in Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia. The 12th Asia-Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP) entitled "Call to Action- Acting Together for our Future Sustainability," was held from 12-13 July 2016 at the Apsara Angkor Hotel. Around 300 participants from Asia-Pacific countries representing governments, the private sector, civil society groups, and academia were in attendance.

"There is growing awareness both in Asia and in Europe of the need to take environmental issues better into account when producing and consuming. This round table will contribute both to a change in the culture of consumption and to implementation of the practical steps that are urgently required," said H.E. Mr. George Edgar, Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The meeting was organized by the Asia Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP) and was hosted by the Kingdom of Cambodia's Ministry of Environment, in partnership with the International Institute for Scientific Research (IISR). The 12th APRSCP was supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through the SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Support Component (RPSC) of the European Union (EU).

Read more this article at SCP Clearinghouse.
For more information about the 12th APRSCP, visit http://www.aprscp.net/12th-APRSCP/index.html.

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