IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network



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New groups seeks to spearhead sustainable purchasing

July 1, 2013

New groups seeks to spearhead sustainable purchasing

Purchasing managers who try to make sustainable choices have a lot of questions to grapple with: What paper has the least impact? What eco-label is the most important for cleaning products? How do you choose a sustainable computer? While the U.S. government and major companies like Walmart, Procter & Gamble and Kaiser Permanente have sustainable purchasing policies or rank suppliers baed on their environmental impacts, not all companies have the resource to devote to sifting through all the different eco-labels, ratings, seals and claims to make the most sustainable choices.

Hoping to give purchasers guidance as well as recognize leaders, leaders in business as well as nonprofit and government groups are forming the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC). The overarching goals of the SPLC are to define, guide, measure and reward sustainable purchasing. It’s planning to get there by bringing together industry, government, academia, standards organizations and non-governmental organizations.

The SPLC aims first to define what it means to purchase sustainably, codifying best practices. It will also create methods for measuring the impacts of a company’s or organization’s procurement spending, as well as identify ways to address those impacts for the better. As a last step, the SPLC takes a page from the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program and will create a recognition program for leaders in sustainable procurement.

The SPLC will expand on its mission and plans during a launch webcast on July 23 with GreenBiz.

Read more at GreenBiz.

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