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Green manufacturer moves from China to New York

July 15, 2013

Green manufacturer moves from China to New York

Trellis Earth Products, which makes bioplastic serviceware, is moving its manufacturing operations from China to Rochester, NY to get closer to customers and cut costs. In an interesting switch, Tresllis joins a growing list of manufacturers who are leaving China because of rising energy and labor costs.

Trellis makes over 100 non-petroleum products, such as forks, knives and spoons for food service companies looking for green alternatives to disposable plastics. These bioplastic products - made from plant starch ? are distributed by major food service companies in the U.S. to over 1,000 customers nationally.

By the end of this summer, Trellis will break ground on an 80,000-square foot facility in Rochester Technology Park. The company will gear up to manufacture more than 50 million forks, knives and spoons a month, along with flexible products such as clamshells, school lunch trays and plates. It starts production by the end of the next year.

Empire State Development offered Trellis an incentive package with direct ties to job creation and contribution to the local economy. In exchange for $1.5 million in tax credits and a $500,000 capital grant, Trellis will invest $8.3 million and create 189 full-time jobs by June 2018. The county is also helping through a $500,000 in low interest financing, up to $300,000 in an interest subsidies, $50,000 for training and possible rebates on equipment purchases.

Read more at Sustainable Business News.

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