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Carbon Trust branches out with international waste management standard

July 3, 2013

Carbon Trust branches out with international waste management standard

The Carbon Trust has revealed plans for a new waste standard designed to help businesses demonstrate that they are measuring and managing down their waste levels in a responsible manner. The proposed waste standard will be modeled on the Carbon Standard and the recently introduced Carbon Trust water management standard. However, a spokesman for the company said organizations obtaining the new standard will have to demonstrate they are managing waste effectively and not simply reducing waste levels.

“Waste management is about more than just reducing waste tonnage,” he explained. “It is about moving up the waste hierarchy so that you are reducing or reusing waste where possible. Gaining the waste standard will not be as simple as reducing waste tonnage, organizations will have to be able to show they are managing the waste stream.”

The company is planning to pilot the standard with a number of organizations over the summer before getting the final methodology signed off by its standards board. The standard should then be officially launched alongside the announcement of the first wave of organizations to obtain the label during autumn.

Tom Delay, chief executive of the Carbon Trust, said the new standard would help companies demonstrate that they are managing their waste in a responsible manner, while also promoting waste management processes that help to cut costs and improve environmental performance. The company added there was a direct connection between its new efforts to promote effective waste management and its core goal of tackling greenhouse gas emissions, noting that organic waste accounts for five percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more at BusinessGreen.

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