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June 21, 2012
Rio+20 has formally opened with a warning from UN head Mr Ban Ki-moon that progress on the issue is too slow.
To read more, go to BBC News.
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category : Topics
June 19, 2012
The 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) aims to reduce energy consumption by 16% and carbon emissions by 17%. To support environmental protection, the Plan calls for environmental tax reform and improving the waste disposal fee system. Investment of around RMB 3.4 trillion will be required to achieve the environmental protection goals.
For more information, go to OECD web site.
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June 19, 2012
UNEP launched the International Sustainable Public Procurement Initiative (SPPI) on 18 June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro.
The SPPI aims at bringing together representatives from governments, local authorities, business sector and civil society interested in collectively promoting the supply and demand of sustainable products through SPP.
For further information, visit UNEP web site.
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category : Events
June 4, 2012
IGPN secretariat, together with GPN Japan, held the first workshop on 24 May to study and analyse the trend and practice of ethical / CSR procurement in Japan and abroad. The participants included representatives from research institutes, universities, government sector, industrial sector, environmental NGOs, etc.

More workshops are being planned this year, with a view to develop ethical procurement guidelines as part of the future activities of IGPN.
Download file (newspaper article in Japanese)
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category : Events