IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network



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News Archives

November 30, 2011

Green cars in spotlight at waning Japan auto show

Toyota Boshoku Co.'s concept vehicle T-Brain is displayed at the Tokyo Motor Show in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

Green cars rolled into the spotlight at the Tokyo auto show as Japan's automakers look to fuel efficient technology to reinvigorate growth after tough times.

The showcase for Japan's pillar auto industry was holding its preview for media on Wednesday ahead of opening to the public on Saturday.

Plug-in hybrids and electric cars are centerstage at the Tokyo Motor Show -- reflecting both how green cars are growing in popularity and the low profile of foreign automakers at the event.

Read the Boston Globe article.

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category : Topics

November 18, 2011

Paper towels least green way of drying hands, study finds

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have completed what is believed to be the first major study to assess the greenest way of drying your hands.

The research paper compared the seven most common drying methods in public toilets and concludes that paper towels and warm air hand dryers have the highest environmental toll ? generating 70% more carbon emissions than the newest technology on the market, the cold air-driven hand dryer from UK manufacturer Dyson, which also commissioned the paper.

Read the Guardian UK article.

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category : Topics

November 9, 2011

Breaking a Long Silence on Population Control

Major American environmental groups have dodged the subject of population control for decades, wary of getting caught up in the bruising politics of reproductive health.

Picture credit: Leah Nash for The New York Times

Yet, virtually alone, the Center for Biological Diversity is breaking the taboo by directly tying population growth to environmental problems through efforts like giving away condoms in colorful packages depicting endangered animals. The idea is to start a debate about how overpopulation crowds out species and hastens climate change ? just when the world is welcoming Baby No. 7 Billion.

Read The New York Times article.

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November 9, 2011

Mass Solar Installation in Nottingham UK

The mass installation on 600 homes in Broxtowe and Aspley is one of the largest to be carried out in the UK in a single domestic scheme. The energy savings are thought to total around £72,000 a year. The solar industry said the government's plans to cut feed-in tariffs by over 50% in the next six weeks would devastate the number of installations on homes, schools and small businesses

Photographer: E.on/Page One

Aerial photography over Aspley and Broxtowe areas of Nottingham showing the mass installation of solar panels onto residents houses. Image shows houses around Fenwick Close (centre) and Coleby Road area of Broxtowe with the panels on the roofs.

The Guardian UK article.

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category : Topics

November 2, 2011

Buying Green! Handbook 2nd Edition

The Second Edition of the Buying Green! Handbook has just been
published by the European Commission.

The new Handbook provides detailed guidance for greening each step of
the procurement process. A number of revisions have been made since the
2004 edition, including:

* Greater attention to the application of GPP to services and works
* Expanded sections on selection and award criteria, technical
specifications, LCC and contract clauses
* New examples of contracts drawn from across the EU-27
* Specific sectoral guidance on electricity, construction, timber and
food and drink

The Handbook is available on the EU GPP website along with a shorter summary document aimed at policy-makers and others who may not have a detailed knowledge of procurement or GPP.

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category : Topics

November 2, 2011

World Population Surpasses 7 Billion

Global population trends result from varying levels of population growth and decline among countries. This informative video provides a simple and compelling overview of population trends that have created a world of 7 billion people.

Population Reference Bureau informs people around the world about population, health, and the environment, and empowers them to use that information to advance the well-being of current and future generations.

PRB website.

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category : Topics

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