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Six Tips for Using Flickr to Market Your Green Business

January 20, 2011

Six Tips for Using Flickr to Market Your Green Business

You’ve heard the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” well, when used correctly, Flickr can make that saying a marketing reality for your green business or organization. Did you think Flickr was just for hobbies or sharing photos with friends? Think again. Try using Flickr for some of the following and see how it can help you market your green business.

1. Tell Your Story
The best use for Flickr by far is to use it to tell your business or organization’s story.

2. Connect with Others
Flickr isn’t just a place to deposit photos. It’s one of the fastest growing social media tools being used just behind Facebook and Twitter.

3. Find Stock Photography
Flickr can be a great resource for green marketers because there are literally thousands upon thousands of images that you can access and use for free.

4. Share Stock Photography
On the flipside, Flickr is a great place to share stock photography, which can drive more exposure to your business.

5. Organize and Share Your Media
Flickr can be a great way to organize your media for later use and sharing.

6. Link Building
A final use for Flickr is link building, which can be really useful in terms of search engine marketing.

Click here to read the article.

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