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> Danish Co-op to develop system of climate labelling for goods
Danish Co-op to develop system of climate labelling for goods
August 10, 2008
Danish Co-op to develop system of climate labelling for goods
The Danish cooperative association FDB, which owns Coop Denmark A/S, a leading consumer goods retailer, proposes developing a climate label that can show the CO2 impact of an item, writes national daily newspaper Berlingske Tidende.
Danish people should have the opportunity to see and compare items for their effect on the climate, thereby enabling them to reduce CO2 emissions through their consumption, opines the new FDB chairman Lasse Bolander. "We would like to help develop a new labelling scheme, which can inform consumers about the difference in climate terms of buying a cucumber that is grown around the corner and an Argentinean steak. The label must be logically understandable and practical to handle for producers."
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
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