IGPN issues a statement to call on world leaders, including those meeting at the Hokkaido Toyako Summit to immediately implement Green Purchasing around the world.
Scientific understanding of climate change is clear
Global climate change is unequivocal, and the scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify all nations taking immediate actions.
Requiring worldwide collaborative inputs
Developing nations lacking the infrastructure or resources to respond to the impacts of climate change will be particularly affected, and long-term global efforts for the creation of sustainable societies may be severely hindered. Therefore, in order to adapt to the consequences of climate change, worldwide collaborative inputs are required.
Cooling down through Green Purchasing
A sustainable future can only be realised in the global market through sustainable production and consumption, and we are committed to working with governments and business organisations around the world to help develop and implement Green Purchasing to address the challenge of climate change. We call on world leaders, including those meeting at the Hokkaido Toyako Summit to:
- Show leadership in driving eco-innovation and share this knowledge with all other nations
- Take immediate actions:
- To establish Green Purchasing Laws in all nations to promote eco-innovation and develop a substantial market share for eco-products
- To create an extensive mechanism to provide economic incentives for the purchase of outstanding eco-products and services
- To establish organisations to promote Green Purchasing in all nations which should develop environmental information platforms covering all eco-products and services
- To promote environmental consumer education
Dissemination of Green Purchasing is crucial in achieving the simultaneous pursuit of environmental conservation and economic development.

Dr. Ryoichi Yamamoto
Chair :
International Green Purchasing Network
Professor :
Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Konrad Otto-Zimmermann
Vice Chair :
International Green Purchasing Networ
Secretary General :
ICLEI World Secretariat