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> Toronto Mayor Makes Zero Footprint Pledge at C40 Summit
Toronto Mayor Makes Zero Footprint Pledge at C40 Summit
May 16, 2007
Toronto Mayor Makes Zero Footprint Pledge at C40 Summit
At the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit, Toronto's mayor, David Miller, announced that his city would take advantage of a new tool to measure and reduce Toronto's greenhouse gas emissions.
Miller will team up with Zerofootprint, a non-profit working to help companies, governments and individuals reduce their carbon footprint, to create Zerofootprint Toronto, the first-ever city-scale project to bring a city's residents to the table to fight climate change.
A hybrid of environmental footprint calculator and a web-based social network, Zerofootprint Toronto is designed to help citizens reduce their environmental footprint significantly. The new tool graphically illustrates to users the impact every aspect of their daily lives has on the environment while allowing them to network with like-minded friends, neighbours and co-workers to create a virtual eco-community.
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