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October 17, 2006
There is growing awareness in Malaysia that voluntary programmes, such as green purchasing and green procurement, economic instruments and reporting mechanisms, are necessary to influence industry and society in order to reduce the effect on human health and the environment. With the objectives to create awareness concerning the current international trends on green purchasing, procurement and greening the supply chain; to implement green purchasing tool kit, products database and guidelines; and to create awareness and action plans for the implementation of green purchasing and procurement in specific sectors, Green Purchasing Network Malaysia (MGPN) will hold a conference ‘Connecting Green Asia with the Global Market’ on 6th November in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
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category : Events
October 11, 2006
In US, 145 businesses, environmental organizations, and other groups (representing 37 states) have released the "Sustainable Energy Blueprint" - a policy paper that outlines a "plausible strategy for achieving a no-nuclear, low-carbon, highly-efficient and sustainable energy future."
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category : Topics
October 4, 2006
Wells Fargo & Company joined EPA's top-25 green power purchasers as the top corporation on the list, edging out other big corporate names such as Whole Foods, Johnson & Johnson, and Starbucks. EPA announced its quarterly list of organizations that purchase electricity generated from clean, renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass and low-impact hydro.
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category : Topics