April 11, 2006
International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Conference in China took place on 23-24 March 2006.
International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Conference took place at Overseas Student Pioneering Park, Suzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. The speakers were invited from China, Japan and Korea and over 100 participants attended the conference.
The opening speeches were delivered by Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto, University of Tokyo / Chair of IGPN, Ms. Wang Kaiyu, the director of Division of Industry Guidance, Department of Science, Technology and Standards of SEPA, Mr. Chai Hanming, vice-director of Jiangsu Environmental Protection Bureau, and Mr. Hu Zhengming, the director of Suzhou National New & Hi-tech Industrial Development Area Administration Committee, respectively.

The first keynote speech of the morning was delivered by Mr. Chen Yanping, the director of Environmental Development Center of SEPA / Chairman of China Environmental Certification Center. He talked about China’s environmental label and green procurement by the government.
It was followed by the speech by Mr. Hiroyuki Sato, Secretary General of IGPN. He explained the concept and significance of green purchasing as well as the activities of Japan GPN and the key factors for the successful cases in Japan.
The third speech, made by Ms. Yu Jianke, Director of Environmental Division, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, showed how green procurement was exercised for the planning and the preparation of Beijing Olympic.

The following speech by Mr. Liu Zunwen of China Green Purchasing Network introduced China GPN and its web site.
The first speech of the afternoon session was about Japan’s Green Purchasing Law, which was delivered by Mr. Kazuyuki Harada from Japan’s Ministry of the Environment. It included the law concerning the promotion of eco-friendly goods and services by the state and other entities, the achievements of green purchasing, the efforts made to prevent the greenhouse effect and the future objectives of green purchasing.

Ms. Hyun-Jung Im from Korea’s Ministry of Environment explained the Korean environmental labels, their Green Purchasing Law and various green purchasing activities in Korea.
The following presentation “Status and Development of Green Purchasing in Hong Kong” was carried out by Ms. Linda W P Ho, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Green Council. She explained Green Council, Green Label Scheme and Cyber Green Centre as well as the proposed establishment of Hong Kong GPN.

The presentation “IGPN and Green Purchasing Activities on Global Level” was given by Mr. Akira Kataoka, the manager of IGPN secretariat. His presentation consisted of two parts: the introduction & future activities of IGPN and green purchasing activities in several countries.

The last presentation was delivered by Mr. Kenji Tanaka, General Manager, Environmental Sustainability Development Office, Corporate Environment Division, Ricoh Company Ltd in Tokyo, Japan and tilted “Ricoh Group, Sustainable Environment Management”. He explained in details the company’s environmental management system and green purchasing activities.
After each presentation, active discussions between the speakers and the audience took place.
The post conference meeting on the following day was chaired by Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto and Mr. Liu Zunwen. The participants exchanged their views and comments concerning green purchasing activities, eco-labels and product database.
IGPN made a number of suggestions for the newly established China GPN to consider for their future activities and offered various supporting activities.
The conference was covered by several Chinese newspapers and TV news stations.
Presentation Documents & Conference Report
Chen Yanping, Director of Environmental Development Center of SEPA / Chairman of China Environmental Certification Center
China Environment Label & Public Green Procurement (English version / Chinese version)
Hiroyuki Sato, Secretary General, Japan GPN / IGPN
Concept and Significance of Green Purchasing (English version / Chinese version)
Yu Jianke, Director of Environmental Division, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
Green Procurement and Green Olympic (English version / Chinese version)
Liu Zunwen, China Green Purchasing Network
CGPN Network Construction (English version / Chinese version)
Kazuyuki Harada, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
The Green Purchasing Law, and Promoting Green Procurement in Japan (English version / Chinese version)
Hyun-Jung Im, Ministry of Environment, Korea
Green Purchasing Activities in Korea (English version / Chinese version)
Linda W P Ho, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Green Council
Status and Development of Green Purchasing in Hong Kong (English version / Chinese version)
Akira Kataoka, Manager, International Green Purchasing Network
IGPN and Green Purchasing Activities on Global Level (English version / Chinese version)
Kenji Tanaka, General Manager, Environmental Sustainability Development Office, Corporate Environment Division, Ricoh Company Ltd Ricoh Group, Sustainable Environment Management (English version / Chinese version).
International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Conference in China
March 23-24, 2006
Suzhou, China
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
15:00-20:00 Registration
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Chairman: Mr. Li Jian, deputy manager of CEC
9:00?9:30 Opening ceremony
Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto (Chairman of IGPN)
Ms.Wang Kaiyu (Senior Officer of SEPA)
Mr.Chai Hanming (Jiangsu Environmental,Protection Bureau)
Director Hu Zhengming (Suzhou National New&Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area AdministrationCommittee)
9:30?10:00 Photo session / Tea Break
10:00?10:20 Introduction on Chinese Environmental-labelling System and Government Green Procurement
Mr. Chen Yanping (Director of Environmental Development Center of SEPA,
Chairman of China Environmental Certification Center)
10:20?10:30 Discussion
10:30?10:50 Concept and Significance of Green Purchasing
Mr. Hiroyuki Sato (Secretary-general of Green Purchasing Network (GPN), Japan)
10:50?11:00 Discussion
11:00?11:20 Green Olympiad and Green Purchasing
Ms.Yu Jianke (Director of Environmental Division, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad)
11:20?11:30 Discussion
11:30?11:50 Introduction on the website of CGPN
Mr. Liu Zunwen (Director of R&D division, CEC)
11:50?12:00 Discussion
12:00?13:30 Lunch
Chairman: Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto
14:00?14:20 The Green Purchasing Law, and Promoting Green Procurement in Japan
Mr. Kazuyuki Harada (Deputy Director, Environmental and Economic Policy Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
14:20?14:30 Discussion
14:30?14:50 Green Purchasing Activities in Korea: Focusing on the Green Procurement Law
Ms. Hyun-Jung Im (Ministry of Environment, Korea)
14:50?15:00 Discussion
15:00?15:20 Status and Development of Green Purchasing in Hong Kong
Ms. Linda Ho (CEO of Hong Kong Green Council)
15:20?15:30 Discussion
15:30?15:50 Tea Break
15:50?16:10 IGPN and Green Purchasing Activities on Global Level
Mr. Akira Kataoka (Manager, IGPN Secretariat)
16:10?16:20 Discussion
16:20?16:40 Ricoh Group, Sustainable Environmental Management
Mr. Kenji Tanaka (General Manager, Environmental Sustainability Development Office Corporate Environment Division Ricoh Company, Ltd.)
16:40?16:50 Discussion
16:50?17:00 Closing Speech
Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto (Chairman of IGPN)
March 24, 2006
Chairman:Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto, Mr. Liu Zunwen
9:00 ?12:00 Discussion Topics
- Status and tendency of international green purchasing
- Function of environmental protection administrations
- Eco-labelling products and green purchasing
- How the enterprises to practice green purchasing
- The advices on government green purchasing in China
- Reciprocity between consumer and green purchasing
- International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN)
- Environmental Development Center of SEPA
- Ministry of the Environment, Japan
- Environmental Certification Center, SEPA (CEC)
- Ministry of Environment, Korea
- Hong Kong Green Council

This conference was supported by the Japan Fund for Global Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.
category : Topics